
Eleonora Yun participated in choirs as a child and had her first musical experiences with alto flute lessons. At the age of eight she started to take violin classes.
Her very first singing lessons were committed by her mother, who also was a singer at a young age.

In the year 2011 after general qualification for university entrance she started to sing professionally in Germany first with Silke Hartstang.

In 2013 she applied for Bachelor of Arts in Lucerne, which she successfully graduated in 2016. After her Bachelors’ degree she took up her Master.

Eleonora Yun has sung in churches and did participate in a few choir roles on the operatic stage such as Lucerne theatre and Sursee theatre.
In summer 2019 she has visited a masterclass in Zagreb, with people from the Metropolitan Opera.

She is a member of the additional choir in the Zurich Operahouse.